Monday, June 29, 2009
President Colson's reflections from last week's Outflys

A 2009 grad's reflection
This past week I had the chance to attend both of the Twin Cities Outflys. I’ve done a lot of work with the Alumni office through Homecoming and Student Alumni Council, so I decided to act as roadie for part of their MN tour! The first night in the Twin Cities included an Outfly picnic held in Bloomington where we were all able to enjoy the delightfully warm weather we had this week by gathering at a local park. I knew many of the younger alumni at this event and it was a lot of fun to be able to catch up with them as they are finishing grad school or advancing in their careers.
The second Outfly was actually held at my home church in Circle Pines, which came to a surprise to not only me, but to our pastor, who is also an alumna of Wartburg and just got back from the first part of a sabbatical! While I didn’t know most of the alumni attending, I really enjoyed meeting the alumni in my area. I was surprised to find that there were so many living that close to me! One of the alumni I spoke with even turned out to be the parent of a former teacher I had in middle school, so the connections I find to Wartburg continue to grow, even after I’ve graduated. The two events were a lot of fun and provided me with the opportunity to connect with old friends, as well as meet some new alumni now that I have joined their ranks!
-Dani Parshall '09
Friday, June 26, 2009
Rochester, MN
Day 2 of the Twin Outflys in the Twin Cities
Twin Outflys in the Twin Cities - June 23 & 24
Mason City/Clear Lake Outfly - Monday, June 22