Wow, what a whirlwind these last few weeks have been! I’ve attended fourteen—yes, fourteen!—Outflys in Colorado, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. And Illinois is still to come! I suppose that I would be tired, if I hadn’t been having such fun. It’s been a genuine pleasure to travel the Midwest meeting so many of the alumni and friends of Wartburg. Moreover, I’ve developed a fondness for bratwurst that most people can’t believe. In fact, when there was no bratwurst at the Outfly in Denver (apparently, the little guys won’t grow in the mountain climate), I felt adrift, even homesick for the Midwest. And yes, that has happened; I do feel at home now in Waverly.
I was telling the group at our Waverly Outfly just last week that when I crossed the Iowa state line after a week-long trip through Wisconsin and Minnesota, I felt as though I were coming back home. It was a good feeling. And now, the campus is quickly filling up with faculty and students returning to campus to begin the fall term. I love the beginning of school. What a great time to be back home on the Wartburg campus. Thanks to all of you who made it out to the Outflys, and thanks to all for your continued support of the College through your time, energy, gifts, and prayers.
I was telling the group at our Waverly Outfly just last week that when I crossed the Iowa state line after a week-long trip through Wisconsin and Minnesota, I felt as though I were coming back home. It was a good feeling. And now, the campus is quickly filling up with faculty and students returning to campus to begin the fall term. I love the beginning of school. What a great time to be back home on the Wartburg campus. Thanks to all of you who made it out to the Outflys, and thanks to all for your continued support of the College through your time, energy, gifts, and prayers.

President Darrel Colson