Friday, August 28, 2009


Wow, what a whirlwind these last few weeks have been! I’ve attended fourteen—yes, fourteen!—Outflys in Colorado, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. And Illinois is still to come! I suppose that I would be tired, if I hadn’t been having such fun. It’s been a genuine pleasure to travel the Midwest meeting so many of the alumni and friends of Wartburg. Moreover, I’ve developed a fondness for bratwurst that most people can’t believe. In fact, when there was no bratwurst at the Outfly in Denver (apparently, the little guys won’t grow in the mountain climate), I felt adrift, even homesick for the Midwest. And yes, that has happened; I do feel at home now in Waverly.

I was telling the group at our Waverly Outfly just last week that when I crossed the Iowa state line after a week-long trip through Wisconsin and Minnesota, I felt as though I were coming back home. It was a good feeling. And now, the campus is quickly filling up with faculty and students returning to campus to begin the fall term. I love the beginning of school. What a great time to be back home on the Wartburg campus. Thanks to all of you who made it out to the Outflys, and thanks to all for your continued support of the College through your time, energy, gifts, and prayers.


President Darrel Colson

Knights & Rockies - A Winning Combination!

The Denver Outfly and the Colorado Rockies provided a winning combination for many area alumni on a beautiful Colorado “mile high” day!

Young and old Wartburg friends and alums gathered together in the Capital Hill area to meet our new President, Daryl Colson, and his wife Christy.

Conversation and introductions among Wartburg West students, new Wartburg freshmen, and college staff provided the backdrop for a wonderful Outfly event.

After Outfly, a “Wartburg team” of approximately 50 traveled over to Coors Field where the Rockies come-back win over the Giants made for a great time to be had by all.

Marilyn Brudi Flachman '60

Monday, August 24, 2009

Cedar Valley Area Outfly, Student Host, Abhay Nadipuram '10

As students, we often hear the names of the various buildings on campus or scholarships which we receive, but most of the time, we don't think about the actual people who contribute to such things. Last night's outfly was a perfect example of how members of the Wartburg community continue to contribute to this insitution because they simply care about the well being of the students. I love watching faculty interact with their former students, current students interact with alumni and the outstanding turnout we get out of all our staff. With over 500 people there, the ballrooms were packed, but you could definitely sense the energy in the room. Once again, the Alumni Office did a great job hosting and I look forward to attending more Outflies in the future, as a student and alum.

Abhay Nadipuram '10
Wartburg College Student Body President

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Des Moines Area Outfly Host, Rachelle Johnson '92

Vince (’90) and I truly enjoyed hosting the Des Moines Outfly event at Raccoon River Park on August 13. The weather was beautiful and so was the location. We saw a few old friends and met lots of new ones. Our 10-year-old son Grant met a new friend, Julian Castillo (11-year-old son of a classmate of mine, Jody Godfrey Castillo ’92) and the two boys have made plans to get together in the future!

David Van Ahn and his wife brought a prospective Wartburger to the picnic, Sam, which I thought was quite impressive! Hopefully Sam was impressed as well. Way to go David! David and I met earlier last year at a Commission on Mission summit meeting and we recognized each other right away. That’s the thing about Wartburg – once the connection is made, it’s there forever.

Thanks to the Alumni office staff for your stellar organizational skills as always – the whole thing went off without a hitch. We can’t wait for next year!
Rachelle Johnson '92
Des Moines Area Outfly Host

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Christy Colson's Reflection

We have loved our busy, hectic, driving tour of the Midwest. Each night we enjoyed gathering with new Wartburg friends who shared their deep love for and commitment to Wartburg College. We are grateful for the warm welcome we received and are privileged to join the Wartburg Family!

Christy Colson