Thursday, July 15, 2010

Alumni Spotlight- Kim Oleson Hohensee '88

Kim Oleson Hohensee ‘88
Music Education

My husband, Jay is a 1986 Wartburg Grad. I have two children, Mallory, who is a sophomore at the University Wyoming, Laramie; and Alex who is 13 years old and will be in 8th grade.

I’ve been a music teacher for 17 years at elementary, middle and high school levels. I’m also a Church Council member at Lutheran Church of Hope, Broomfield, CO; church organist/pianist/accompanist and choir director. I also teach private piano and voice lessons.

What do you enjoy doing?

Spending time with my friends and family, especially at our family favorite vacation spot: Cabo San Lucas. Playing the piano, shopping, water skiing, downhill skiing, listening to music, watching movies with my family.

What do you think makes Wartburg stand out from other schools?

The small student/faculty ratio and small class sizes. The excellent academic programs and the dedication and commitment to offer additional majors over the years, that were not available when I attended Wartburg; and the continuing excellent academic programs and dedication and commitment to academic success. The multiple opportunities to study abroad, whether be somewhere else in the United States or somewhere overseas. Several opportunities to do service trips that include both students, faculty and alumni. Wartburg does a good job in keeping Alumni updated with what is happening on campus, whether it's involving student life, current issues and/or long-range planning for the college.

What is currently your favorite thing about Wartburg?

I thoroughly enjoy being on the Alumni Board. It keeps me current with what is happening on campus. Serving on the Alumni Board is also a way for me to give back to the college, as well as gives me an opportunity to meet other alums that I would have not had the opportunity and privilege to get to know. Regardless of the age of the Board Member, we all have something in common....Wartburg! It’s great hearing about all the experiences from 50 years ago to just 3-5 years ago.

What is your favorite Wartburg memory?

All the friends I made while a student. OUTFLY! (fall and spring) was a BLAST! However, 20-plus years ago OUTFLY was totally different than it is now. But the idea/concept remains the same.

I loved the camaraderie and closeness of the members of Castle Singers. The 1985-86 Castle Singers were a very close-knit group. We had picnics and many social get togethers during May term and throughout the year. We spent LOTS of time at Joe's. This group truly and sincerely cared for each other, and I am thankful for those relationships and friendships. And of course, I met my husband at Wartburg.

What does Being Orange mean to you?

Being Orange is being proud of your alma mater and all of its accomplishments. Being Orange is spreading the "good news" about the programs and opportunities Wartburg has to offer; academically, spiritually and socially. Most importantly for me, Being Orange is living and sharing the Wartburg mission statement: "...challenging and nurturing students for lives of leadership and service as a spirited expression of their faith and learning."

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